Flexible Permanent Staff Management

If you haven’t compared Temp or Permanent Recruitment Agencies recently, you might notice a few things have changed.

The internet has disrupted the business model for Employment Agencies.

The value offering to businesses has also changed.

A recruitment activity that might have been of value to you 10 years ago, is now much easier for you to do yourself. In fact it might even be free and quite possibly you’re able to get a better result…maybe.

And that’s why we’ve developed a new model for Permanent Search and Selection that compliments your value.

It’s important to break down the activities and confirm where the value is for you, you can check that model here.  For Flexible staffing payroll and temp staff we’ve introduced a new model here.

In many cases our clients are already able to able to reach out to their social network of like minded people and satisfy their Search phase for new roles.  From time to time however there is still a requirement to extend beyond their known talent pool and search for great candidates through advertising and through Agency campaigns.  With this in mind IQ People are able to provide a flexible model that scales up or down with your own presence in the Talent market place.  This means if you would like IQ People to conduct Search, Selection and Outsourced Management we’re able to provide that complete service for you.

If along the way your team develop a competency for Search, Selection, People Management then you should be rewarded for that.  If your team is still developing that competence, let IQ People help, so you can focus on your mission, without surprises.



Search and Select Contested

If you would like IQ People to compliment your own search efforts we can do that.  Generally this approach can be inefficient as a single focus is not always achieved.  This is the option chosen by many “new” team builders as it is seen as an insurance policy.  Our experience in this market is one that prolongs the campaign due to inconsistent assessment methodologies being performed.  A minimum advertising spend of $350 is payable for these assignments.

Search and Select Exclusive

With the efficiencies that IQ People are able to deliver through a consistent approach to the campaign we are able to reduce the overall fee.  In addition to this IQ People will also absorb the costs of standard advertising, although additional advertising, if requested by our clients can be arranged at cost.  The Exclusive Search allows IQ People to demonstrate the professionalism and effectiveness that our Clients are asking for.  We enjoy these campaigns, they work, we’re just really good at them..

Select Only

It seems crazy to pay for Search services when you have an established brand, or a network of engaged potential candidates.  But chances are, if you are looking to hire, it’s probably because you’re busy, right now.  And if that’s the case what activities won’t be done while you’re shortlisting, screening, interviewing, reference checking and assessing multiple candidates.  For a flat fee of $2,000 IQ People will carry the lions share of this effort.  You’re still in the drivers seat, your realising genuine dollar savings from your brand value, and you’re getting stuff done.


Call 0418 429 731 phone icon and ask for Tony.

it’s about matching and flow


DIY Talent Management or Flow DIY Talent Management or Flow

DIY Talent Management or Flow

When hiring Office Administrator Temp and Perm staff in Melbourne, it is no different from anywhere else, Perforance and Engagement are key. In his book, and Ted Talk, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi introduces not only the importance of getting into a state of flow at work, but how to establish the conditions that maintain it.  One of those key conditions is performing a challenging role that you have been prepared for through previous skills development. It’s a great day when you and your staff are focusing on the challenges that you’ve spent your career preparing for.  At IQ People that means working at Hiring and Managing our Permanent and Casual Employee teams.  A bad day is when I procrastinated about finding replacements for our Photocopier or compa

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Is your resume blocking your next move?

It’s not fair…your Resume is the most important part of getting the ideal role that will satisfy your lifestyle and allow you to contribute, what, when and how much. Your Resume is really important, but nobody tells you what they really think about it. If you don’t get a response you may never know why. Was it the Resume? Was it your actual experience? Maybe it was just sloppy hiring practices? Success will be an accident unless you know how effective your Resume is.  Your Resume is representing you and is the gateway to your future lifestyle…it’s kind of important. But first some inside information about Applicant Tracking Systems IQ People use the Bullhorn ATS to augment our Search phase, and balance this with our own human expertise in the Selection phase

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Powering Utilities

Quality service isn’t always about speed Except that sometimes it is.  iq people have been providing employees to energy and utilities in Victoria for more than 10 years.  Because we understand this industry we’re able to match people to positions quickly…Well it seems quick but actually we’re working with the candidates long before the roles become available.  That’s actually what we get paid for…the hours that we’ve invested in selection and assessment.

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Identifying and growing your talent pipeline

Talent Pipeline? It’s more than just filling a job. It’s about developing an engaged and effective team. But what does that mean? We’re experts, absolute experts in placing and developing Customer Service Teams and Team Leaders, and we have a real strength in IT & T. It’s what we do, it’s what we know, it’s what people expect from us…and we love that. But our customer value proposition goes well beyond just Search and Selection, we’re actively engaged in developing the careers of our candidates and developing the “employer of choice” status for our clients. We do this a number of ways and you can check them out from an Employee perspective here and from the Employers point of view  here We’r

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size does matter

Nobody starts a small business to stay a small business. Especially a Temp and Perm recruitment agency.  And we all knew that it would take a lot of effort and knowledge for iq people to grow significantly…and we put that effort in. We surrounded ourselves with good people, people with a belief in other people, you know candidates and clients.  People like us, but with different backgrounds. Well you know we learned a lot, and with lots of successes and lots of failures we became experts, especially when we failed.  But we always focused on people.  Office Administration Candidates looking for better opportunities and Clients looking for engaged staff. Well it turned out we really liked helping these folks and they really liked our help. It’s no s

we get beyond first impressions we get beyond first impressions

we get beyond first impressions

We’re a community and we’re locals.  At IQ People we get beyond the first impression, OK so we all have professional faces and Employees and Employers, and we can be a little more anonymous on line, but we’re all real people. And through genuine discussion we identify personal asprirations, business objectives, things you’re good at, and corporate competencies. Through that dialogue we’re able to match the right people to the right challenge. Let’s start your conversation today

let’s start the conversation let’s start the conversation

let's start the conversation

You know…you could just leave it another day.  Maybe sometime next week, or think about things and make a definite start, probably next month…things will be clearer then…or not. Look I’m not one to say you’re procrastinating, but if you’ve come this far, you may as well check out what we have to offer. You’ve looked at this page for a reason, and so it’s probably worth a quick conversation. The job market is ever changing.  Technology has made a big difference, so has the economy, and…if you’ve noticed…so has our culture.  We’re filling jobs that didn’t even exist 10 years ago, and serving customers that speak languages we’d never heard of. The point is, if you’ve been a